About Us
The National Microschooling Center is a nonprofit resource hub and movement-builder committed to advancing the growth, health and evolution of the microschooling movement to live up to its fullest potential.
The Center serves microschools, both current and potential, by offering a variety of services, consultations and trainings. We work with policymakers to help them understand the frameworks microschools can operate within in their states. We are the first call a member of the media makes when looking for microschooling answers. We work with parents and families to help them find a solution for their child.
Take a look at our story, see what makes us unique and how our commitment to this movement is unlike any other.
What we stand for.
Our Core Values that Guide Our Work
All Are Welcome
This movement is for everyone. All children have the right to a quality program that works for them, even if we (as individuals) do not agree with that particular program. We are here for the good of the movement and that means everyone belongs, everyone has a voice, and everyone is welcome. This allows for a variety of models, ensuring that each child has the opportunity to thrive.
Movement Based on Trust
Our leaders and our families are real people with real futures and it is in everyone’s best interest to protect, and respect, this. When we share a story, we do so with permission, dignity, humility, and respect. We understand that microschools present a solution to many families for a variety of reasons, and we strive to protect these microschools so that their children can continue to thrive. We also understand and respect that families have the right to choose the option that works best for them, which might mean transitioning to other microschools or a completely different educational option.
We ask a lot of our founders and families. We give a lot to our founders and families. We strive to make every exchange one that benefits all parties involved. Relationships are a key component to successful microschooling, we know and believe in, our founders and families.
Foundation of Founders
This is a movement of and led by real people putting in the work on the ground. This movement is about listening to founders and families, the ones living microschooling daily, and providing solutions to their actual problems. We strive to listen to and learn from founders and leaders before presenting solutions. We realize that every voice has knowledge, we accept this knowledge and share our own freely. The Center team will always be made up of microschool founders, microschool leaders and microschool parents.
We encourage everyone, and this movement, to reach their full potential, whatever that might be. We understand that success looks different for each person, both children and adults, and each person should strive to be in and create an environment that encourages them to reach their full potential. We provide resources to help individuals pursue their potential, even when it is different than our own person allignments.
For us, it's personal.
The Center's founders, Don and Ashley, are fully invested in the microschooling movement, not only as founders of the Center or as founders of SNUMA, but as microschooling parents. They are fiercely protective of this movement and the incredible founders it brings out because they have seen the difference it's made in the lives of their three children.